Thursday, January 26, 2012

Beautiful little creative book...

Girls Style Book by Yoshiko Tsukiori
This absolutely exquisite book for any one who loves to sew for their beautiful little girls (sizes 4 - 10)....  Twenty Four detailed patterns for dresses, blouses and the cutest accessories are all set out on easy to follow pattern sheets...This gorgeous little book can be purchased through good book sellers Australia wide...If you are having trouble finding it please let me know and I can get a few in :)  I have added a link on my side bar that will take you to the penguin web site where it has a more comprehensive review....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A few little charms ......

Tiny wee little heart charms - $15 one of each in stock 
(Red heart, script hope, faith and coloured love sold)

Medium hearts $20 each only these 4 in stock (AMOUR and FAITH SOLD)

Small skinny - I love you - $22 - SOLD
Regular rectangle - you are my sunshine - $24 - SOLD
Oval - Happily ever after - $30
Round bevel - the greatest of these is LOVE - $36
(these charms have script or red hearts on the back) only one of each....
Email me if you would like one:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In stock - exquisite Jeanne Oliver items

Betty Ruffle Messenger (2 in stock) (flowers are more like the one on the camera bag)
Natalie Camera Bag (1 in stock)

Anne Ruffle Messenger

Betty Ruffle Messenger

Gracie Little Girl Messenger Bag (2 in stock - these are so, so cute)

Children's leather cuffs - in stock (1 of each) - you are my sunshine with blue fabric
dream big with blue fabric
I believe in you with blue fabric
listen to your heart without fabric
Regular Size - artist, artsy, her children rise up and call her blessed, be still

All her items are beyond exquisite....I wear my leather cuff everywhere and the bags are just gorgeous... She is an amazing your artist from the US.... Email me if you would like a price on anything....

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Danish Book - Honey and Flora

Beautiful new danish book on its way from europe very soon :)

Honey and Flora's book provides inspiration for a personal home.

Unleash your imagination and dreams. Let yourself be seduced to live with

beautiful flea market bargains in a harmonious way both indoors and outdoors. The book is a

viewing experience for the person

with a romantic soul.

It gives you all the things we love:

Old stuff, vintage, bohemian, homes, gardens, food, children, good advice

love, thoughts and coincidences.

Author Rikke Larsen, along with her mother, Birgitte Larsen owns the shop

Honey and Flora. Their style is charming and executed

reusing old things. It is all shown in this book that gives you plenty of ideas and

inspiring ways to put things together.

For more than 12 years, Rikke's universe of old stuff has been used in many

correlations in both articles and books in Scandinavia and Europe.

It is also in Europe, Rikke and Birgitte through hard work find

many curiosities on markets in France, Belgium and Italy.

Exciting things finds its way to the many Scandinavian homes

who have fallen for the style.

It will be $55 + postage...I only have 9 copies coming (shipping was so high I needed to keep the numbers down)... so please let me know if you would like one.... 

I will slowly get back into the swing of work after a lovely break with my family.... Andrew will start his last 2 years of high school on the 23rd so being here for him and Kirstie as always will fill my heart and be my priority...I am thinking of taking a trip to Melbourne in mid  February (with Kirstie) and maybe a few more days in northern NSW plus I am very excited because a friend may be coming from the US in mid to late March but will tell you all about that when it gets closer....
"doing what you like is freedom
liking what you do is happiness....."